New Products Added

This will display all items added within the past 30 days. This is an easy way to see new products that distributors have added and to easily see what new products your store carries.

Step 1: First, we are going to make a new tab and go to the back end of our site.

Step 2: To gain access, you will need to log in.

Step 3: Once you are logged in, located the gray bar. Hover over "Catalog".

Step 4: A number of options will now be available but we want to hover down the list to "New Products Added" and click it.

Step 5: New products Added shows the user a list of items that have been added to their catalog in the past 30 days. You can view and edit the products status (active or inactive) as well as view the wholesale price, markup, and retail price.

Need help? Have questions or don't have the time? Be sure to give us a call at 800.699.0820. We are here to help. You can also bring up any issues by using our ticket system. Hope this tutorial was helpful.

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